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Militia House by John Milas

Rhonda Allen

Updated: Oct 17, 2023

Militia House by John Milas (Copyright, 2023) reviewed by Rhonda Allen. In my opinion this book is an A++ book! This is a horror story about war where the victims are the soldiers deployed to a base in Afghanistan, loading and unloading cargo in an endless loop of boredom and homesickness. They are not involved in any combat operations. The first hint that something is not quite right in when they try to rescue an injured dog but fail to trap it. The dog appears throughout the book, its injury still present, and sometimes miraculously not. Next a British detachment that is preparing to go home, tells the Americans about Militia House, an abandoned block building that is off base which had been occupied by Russians during the Russian Afghanistan war. The Russians at the house had either disappeared or were horrifically murdered. Being curious, the Americans convince the British to take them to the building which they begin to explore. Things begin to happen that seems to indicate the building is much more than they expected and its effects follow them after they leave. Some reluctantly return to see if what they remember was real or a dream. This was a book that grabbed me from the start and I literally had to read in one sitting and will be going back for another read. For those who like books where the horror and dread slowly builds and about stories of war that are about the psychological effects that soldiers experience, this is the book for you. “Militia House by John Milas is 272 pages long and published by Henry Holt and Company, 2023.


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